When planning a trip to Japan there is a lot to think about.
These apps below massively helped navigate my time in Japan and make travelling in Japan effortless.
See below list of 12 apps you will need for your trip to Japan.
Don't forget to download those before your trip:
Hussle free e-sim card with plans all over the world.
You can get a discount with my code SIMONA7783
Get the app here: https://airalo.tp.st/mBA3UZ1D
🗺️Google maps
It may be an obvious choice, however even Japanese use this app to search how to travel around. Download maps of places you are going to offline, just in case.
I think we all have Google maps in our phones, but just in case.
Get the app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.maps&hl=en&gl=US
🍣 GuruNavi
The must have app for all foodies, think about it as more authentic version of Tripadvisor, with all info one may need.

🚇Suica Card on mobile
This is technically not app, but you will need it to use public transport in bigger cities and if you only get a physical card you can only top it up in cash. Currently it has been reported that it only works on Iphones.
Here is the tutorial on how to do it: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT207155
🈹 Google Translate
Unless you speak and read Japanese you will encounter language barriers during your time in Japan. Many places do not offer menus in English. Camera mode to translate written things is the most useful thing.
📱 Travel Japan Wifi
Finding and connecting to free wifi can be quite difficult in japan, this app makes it very easy.
Get the app here: https://japanfreewifi.com/

🚖 Uber
It does work in Japan, i tested, trust me you don’t want to use it in Tokyo, but it was pretty useful in Kyoto. There are also other apps, but Uber worked the best for me.
Get the app here: https://www.uber.com/global/en/ride/app/?referrer=singular_click_id%3Dfd338c10-4702-4f2e-ba67-ee672d718a8b
🌿 Happy Cow
Navigating Japanese food can be tricky especially if you are vegetarian or vegan as many foods have those hidden ingredients. This app located veg restaurants near you.
Get the app here: https://www.happycow.net/mobile
⚠️ Yurekuru App
The most popular and accurate app for earthquake warnings, let's hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.
Get the app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.rcsc.yurekuru.android&hl=en&gl=US

🍶 Sakefan world
This one is for Sake fans like me, it helps you keep the track of which sake you drunk by scanning the label.
Get the app here: https://download.cnet.com/sakefan-world/3000-20427_4-78314414.html
🗺️ NaviTime
This app helps you navigate the transport system, but also it offers a great guide with the option to create your own itinerary.
Get the app here: https://www.navitime.co.jp/pcstorage/html/japan_travel/english/
🛅 Ecbo App
For easy luggage storing solution near you.
Get the app here: https://cloak.ecbo.io/en
🍣 Halal Japan / Halal Gourmet
The must have app for all halal foodies, to identify which food and place is Halal friendly.
Get the app here: https://www.halalinjapan.com/blog/halal-japan-mobile-app
Let me know in the comments, if there is any other app that I forgot.